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Why Words Matter Newsletter June '20

Hi there,

How are you doing today? It’s June already, crazy! We hope you and yours are coping well with everything, and enjoying the glorious weather as much as possible.

Like always, we put together some resources you may find interesting. With so much doom and gloom around at the moment, we also wanted to show you some brands doing things right during the pandemic.

Remember to let us know if you rather not receive our emails - we won’t take it personally!

1. 19 Social Media Marketing Myths to Leave Behind in 2020 - Hubspot - There are dozens of misconceptions we still hold on to when it comes to social media and marketing. This detailed round-up reviews existing practices and questions whether they have a place in the next decade of marketing.

2. Ikea instructions for building your own home forts - Creative Review - Flat pack furniture instructions make some of us break out in a cold sweat, but this playful project from Ikea Russia is a little different. They’ve created 6 sets of instructions for people to assemble their own home forts, which makes for a fun campaign and light relief during lockdown.

3. The Getty Museum’s quartantine art challenge - The Getty Museum - One of our favourites: a lockdown challenge for people to recreate works of art with household items. Not only does the campaign find a way for people to engage with art from their home, but the results are a joy to browse. (Big fan? Also check out Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum’s homemade art!)

4. An explosion of new words and phrases that help us cope with social crisis - The Conversation - Have you heard about blursdays, quaranteams or covidiots? They are some new words entering our lexicon. But what purpose do they serve? According to this article, new vocabulary unites us and helps us articulate our worries about the biggest health crisis we’ve seen in generations.

5. Is the government gaslighting you? Some thoughts on communication and power - Adrian Ortega, Tidy Content - as a bonus this month, Adrián reflects on the communication process and how it can be sabotaged intentionally to divert responsibility.

Do you have any interesting resources we can share? Just reply to this email to let us know, and forward it to anyone you think might be interested!

Stay safe, take care of your loved ones, and get in touch if we can help.

Nia and Adrián

Tidy Content

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